Education Institution of Believers Eastern Church


Some proud moments to celebrate

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In the Pathanamthitta District Sahodaya Competition that was held for the CBSE schools of the district. BCRS was the crowning glory.  From over fifty schools that participated in the competitions BCRS pushed its way up the score board with a clear lead of (points) .  About 107 participants from the school took part in various individual and group items.  Many of our students won individual and group prizes and many others scored an A grade which added to our scores.  The school bagged the Winner’s trophy in categories I, II and IV.  BCRS also lifted the Overall Championship giving us some proud moments to celebrate....

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Magazine Award Distribution

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It is with great pride and pleasure we announce our success in the All Kerala School Magazine competition.  The Confederation of Kerala Sahodaya had conducted a competition to select the best school magazines in the state.  The confederation comprises about 19 district Sahodayas with each at the least having 50 member schools.  From roughly 1800 and odd entries sent in, the ‘Blaze’ Believers Church Residential school magazine was adjudged the second best in the State.   The school received a cash award and a few certificates of merit awarded to the Principal, Staff Editor, Student Editor, Cover page designer, lay out artist and Photographer....

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Aksharayathra -2015

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The Balasahithya Academy of Kerala in association with DC BOOKS conducted the Akshara Yathra, 2015 in Believers Church Residential School on 27th July, 2015, in order to promote reading habit amongst the school children.  As a part of the programme there was a book display and sale of  variety of literature for Children, for 3 days.  The books ranging from Rs.10 to 350 were sold at almost 50% discount.  The school hosted a cultural fete of music and dance to spread the message – “Read to grow”.  The celebrated magician Shri Gopinath Muthukad was the Chief Guest.  He mesmerized the little hearts with his juggling of words and ideas.  He delved on the need to hold fast to ‘CASH’ (Confidence, Attention, Sincerity and Hardwork) in order to grow.  His words of wisdom peppered with interesting and educative anecdotes and analogies kept the students in rapt attention.   The other dignitaries who adorned the dais were R. Jayakumar, Ex-Chairman, TVL Municipality, Dr. Nedumudi Harikumar, Director, Balasahithya Academy, Rev. Fr. Sijo Jose Pandapallil, Manager BCRS, Dr. Rajalakshmi. S The Head of the Malayalam Dept, NSS College, Changanasserry, Rev. Fr. Mathew Thengumpallil CMI Principal Christ Central School, TVL and our Principal Mrs Shirley Ann...

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The 13th Investiture of BCRS was conducted with decorum in the worship centre on the 16th of July, 2015.  The newly inducted leaders of the students Council were adorned with their insignia of Office.  His Excellence Arch Bishop Kuriakose Mar Severios, The Chief Metropolitan of the Knanaya Arch Diocese of Jacobite Syrian Church was the Chief Guest for the day and conferred the Head Boy and the Head Girl with their badges (of office) and sashes.  The other luminaries on the dais were Rev. Fr. Sijo Pandapallil, The Manager BCRS, Rev. Fr. Jojo Mathew, The Vicar General, Mr. Sojan Varghese, Director, BC Education Board and our Principal Mrs. Shirley Ann...

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